Tosa Inu Japanese Mastiffs: Tosa Inu Japanese Mastiffs are stately, massive dogs. Their large heads are broad. Their muzzles are moderately long and squared-off. Their black noses are large. Their teeth meet in a scissors bite and their jaws are powerful. Their small eyes are dark brown in color. Their high-set ears are small and thin hanging close to the cheeks. Their necks are muscular, with a dewlap. Their tails are thick at the base, tapering to a point and reaching to the hocks when they are relaxed. Their feet are well padded with dark nails. Their coats are short, dense and hard, and their colors come in solid, brindle or multi-colored of red, fawn, apricot, yellow, black, black and brindle and black and tan. There is often a black mask and there may be small white markings on the chest and feet.
Tosa Inu Japanese Mastiffs are loyal, sensitive to the tone of your voice, and will pay close attention to your commands. Tosa Inu Japanese Mastiffs are aquiet breed. Tosa Inu Japanese Mastiffs were once used for dog fighting and were bred to fight quietly as Japanese dog fighting rules called for silence. These natural guard dogs are protective, courageous and fearless. They need an owner who knows how to display leadership in a calm, but firm, confident and consistent way. Tosa Inu Japanese Mastiffs are stable, well-adjusted, and trained Tosa for the most part are good with other pets and excellent with children in their families. Tosa Inu Japanese Mastiffs have a very stable temperament and make excellent guard dogs. Their deep bark and massive size is enough to keep out intruders.
Socialize this breed well. Keep Tosa Inu Japanese Mastiffs are away from other dogs that may want to fight, because Tosas will most certainly win. They have a very high pain tolerance due to their fighting origins. Tosa Inu Japanese Mastiffs have been bred for hundreds of years in Japan. The country has a long history of dog fighting, beginning in the 14th century. It was developed between the period of 1868 and 1912 by crosses with the Kochi (a local Japanese breed), native Shikoku fighting dogs, with Western breeds such as the German Pointer, Mastiff, Great Dane, Bulldog, St. Bernard, and the Bull Terrier. Tosa Inu Japanese Mastiffs were often referred to as the "Sumo wrestlers of the dog world." In Japan, Tosa Inu Japanese Mastiffs are considered a national treasure. Tosa Inu Japanese Mastiffs are a rare breed, even in their native land and have only recently been introduced to the USA. Unfortunately, this breed is banned in some countries as a dangerous breed. With proper socialization, handling and training, Tosa Inu Japanese Mastiffs can make wonderful family companions. These massive dogs excel at weight-pulling and make a great watch dogs and guard dogs.
The Tosa Inu Japanese Mastiff Size:
Height: 20-26 inches
Weight: 90-200 lbs |